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November 2022

Scalp Micropigmentation In Dorset, Devon, Hampshire & Environs | SCALPPRO

Caring For Your Scalp The Right Way

If you are trying to grow out your hair, it all starts with a healthy scalp. Unfortunately, not many people know this and more often than not, they end up with less-than-expected results in their hair growth journey. To take care of the scalp, we first have to understand what it is and how it…

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1800 1200 George
Scalp Micropigmentation In Dorset, Devon, Hampshire & Environs | SCALPPRO

Essential Oils & Hair Loss: Placebo or Actually Effective?

Essential oils. Basically the modern day equivalent of the holy grail. They're used in everything from cosmetics to food and more. However, the use of essential oils for almost everything didn't start today. Actually, it Peppermint oil is an effective treatment for a variety of scalp conditions, including dandruff and dry scalp. It also helps…

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2121 1414 George
Scalp Micropigmentation In Dorset, Devon, Hampshire & Environs | SCALPPRO

Maintaining Your Baldness Like A Rockstar

Maintaining a bald head is easier than you think. If you’re thinking about going bald, or if you’ve already gone through the process of losing your hair, here are some tips for keeping it up! 1. Use a high-quality razor You don't have to be a genius to know that you need to use a…

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2500 1667 George
Scalp Micropigmentation In Dorset, Devon, Hampshire & Environs | SCALPPRO

Receding Hairline: Strategy & Tips For Best Results

If your hairline recently started receding, welcome to the club! We will try to help you through this gentleman's journey and give our unfiltered opinion on how you can beat it. First, it’s important to understand what causes a receding hairline. A receding hairline is caused by over-styling and chemical damage to your hair, which…

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626 333 George
Our Top 10 Oils For A Healthy Scalp In 2023

Our Top 10 Oils For A Healthy Scalp In 2023

As a #1 - Almond Oil Almond oil is rich in vitamins and minerals, particularly vitamin E, which is known to be beneficial for the scalp. It is also a light, non-greasy oil that can easily penetrate the hair shaft, making it an effective moisturizer for dry, flaky scalps. It also helps in reducing dandruff…

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1254 836 George
Scalp Micropigmentation In Dorset, Devon, Hampshire & Environs | SCALPPRO

Fighting Hair Loss: Why SMP Is Your Best Option

Hair loss can be caused by several factors, including genetics, medical conditions, and even medications. The good news is that there are some treatments that have been proven to work for some people. You may or may not have heard of scalp micropigmentation (SMP) before now. It is a fairly new, minimally invasive procedure, that…

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1920 1280 George
Scalp Micropigmentation In Dorset, Devon, Hampshire & Environs | SCALPPRO

Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP): Your Questions, Answered

You may have heard that scalp micropigmentation is a way to give your appearance a boost, add some color, or make your hair seem fuller. But what exactly is it? How do you get it done? And what are the risks? We'll answer all those questions and more in this article. #Q1: What is SMP?…

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2000 1334 George
Scalp Micropigmentation In Dorset, Devon, Hampshire & Environs | SCALPPRO

Preventing Hair Loss In Women: An SMP Technician’s Perspective

Hair loss in women is a common problem. It can be caused by a number of different factors, including genetics, medications, and lifestyle changes. If you have had hair loss in the past, it can be frustrating to see your hair start to thin out again. You may have tried every treatment under the sun,…

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612 408 George
Scalp Micropigmentation In Dorset, Devon, Hampshire & Environs | SCALPPRO

Scalp Micropigmentation: How Long It Lasts And What You Should Know

If you're looking for a way to spice up your appearance, scalp micropigmentation may be just what you need. It's a type of cosmetic tattooing that can add fullness and dimension to your head. Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) uses tiny needles to deposit pigments into specific areas of your scalp. This treatment has been around for…

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612 408 George