Grant SMP Visit

Insights from My Visit to Scalpperfection & Touching Up Grant’s SMP

Last week, I was invited to perform a touch-up on Grant’s SMP, who is the owner of Scalpperfection and a renowned name in the SMP industry. The treatment was conducted over 2 sessions.

Grant’s clinic impressed me with its professionalism and attention to detail, reflecting his passion for Scalp Micropigmentation in every aspect of his business. After discussing his expectations for the touch-up, we began the first session, during which a fine-tipped needle was used to add pigment to the scalp carefully. The delicate process required a high level of skill and precision, and I ensured that I worked methodically, paying close attention to every detail while matching the color and texture of Grant’s existing SMP.

Throughout the session, we communicated openly, and I regularly checked in with Grant to ensure his comfort and satisfaction with the procedure. During the session, we discussed our mutual love for SMP and experiences in the industry.

After completing the first session, we reviewed the results, and he was delighted with the outcome. We scheduled a second session to finalize the touch-up. It was an honor to work with someone so dedicated to SMP, and I left feeling reinvigorated and motivated to continue pushing the boundaries of the Scalp Micropigmentation industry.

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