Product Recommendations

A collection of when we scour the internet to find the best products that will work wonders for your hair and scalp.

hairline gone

The Best Hair Loss Treatments For Receding Hairline [A Comprehensive Guideline]

Introduction Welcome to our comprehensive guide on tackling receding hairline, a common problem that affects both men and women alike. In this article, we will explore various hair loss treatments, including both natural remedies and products you can find on Amazon. At the end, we will also present you with an alternative, effective solution to…

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2048 1365 George
Best Vegan Shampoos

The Best Vegan Hair Loss Shampoos [Expert’s Opinion]

As a barber as well as an professional SMP practitioner, I've had multiple customers walk in the door and during their session, ask if I have any recommendations for hair products. Most times I give them the names of popular brands I am aware of and then they have to look it up. But today,…

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1000 1000 George
shampoos for oily hair

#OilyNoMo! Here Are The Best Shampoos For Oily Hair

Introduction We all have our beauty struggles, and for me, it's always been oily hair. And from my experience, if you also struggle with oily hair, there are some things you need to know before you even start using any product on your hair. They are as follows: Oily hair is more prone to product…

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1280 900 Alexandra
The Best Conditioners For Oily Hair

The Verdict Is In: Here Are The Best Conditioners For Oily Hair

Introduction Oily hair can be a huge pain. If you have it, your hair will feel dry and dull, and if you are dealing with oily roots, it can also cause split ends. Fortunately though, there are some great conditioners out there that can help combat both of these issues. If you're looking for something…

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2048 1365 Faraji
Our Top 10 Oils For A Healthy Scalp In 2023

Our Top 10 Oils For A Healthy Scalp In 2023

As a #1 - Almond Oil Almond oil is rich in vitamins and minerals, particularly vitamin E, which is known to be beneficial for the scalp. It is also a light, non-greasy oil that can easily penetrate the hair shaft, making it an effective moisturizer for dry, flaky scalps. It also helps in reducing dandruff…

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1254 836 George